søndag 4. mars 2007

Day of D&D

I got up at around 10 today, and a bit later, I got a phone call. I had forgotten about my organist-job today, and had to get to Verma in a hurry. And I was hoping to get time for a free haircut by my mother this morning.

Well, the "gig" went well, and the priest was pleased, so I guess I haven't forgotten my skills. I was a bit surprised, though, when I got there. Since I was there the last time, they've gotten a new organ. This one was decent to play on, so that was a good change.

When I drove home, I stopped by on Mjelva, and picked up Steven and DP, and then we went home to my wife and me to play Dungeons & Dragons with the "Elite Group".

The Elite Group with CJ and Nica visiting

After fixing their character sheets, which took about an hour, we finally got to the playing. My wife was happy to sit and listen while she played Sims, which gave me a chance to level them up to level three. The new adventure that they're going out on is for level 3 to 5, and since I didn't want them all to die, I had to design an in-between adventure for them.

After an hour of playing, Pilininge (Steven's PC) died a painful death by the falchion of an orc guard.

Steven made a new character, a wizard. After two minutes of playing, he was surprised by a fire beetle. He, with his fantastic armour class, decided to cast a spell on him, without declaring defensive casting. He got an AoC against him, and was almost slain. Luckily he was close enough to the city walls, to have guards coming out. The heal check of the first guard scored a wonderful 18 on the d20. We do play hardcore, so dead means dead. I was…relieved. I did, of course, not tell any of this to him, and instead changed the scene back to Fen, DP's character. He got a message to get back to town, and there he saw this seemingly dead wizard.

The next day, Fen and this new wizard was out on the road, heading back to the cave. This time they slew all the orc guards, and are now ready to get further inside the cave and find out why all the fire beetles are out there in broad daylight.

At 21:30 I drove them home. It's been an entertaining day. I spent about 15 minutes yesterday creating the cave's basic outline, and 30 minutes today polishing it. And we got more than five hours of fun roleplaying out of it, just today. There's probably three hours left of playing in there.

We also played D&D yesterday, and I finally got to play with my berserker Þjoðarr ['Thyo'dharr] Serklauss. I had to improvise how he was as a first level barbarian, but it worked out all right. It was fun to finally get to play, instead of DM-ing. DP got his hands dirty on DM-ing this time, and with time and practice, he can get good at it, too.

This group was new, with two players new to D&D. Both of them are from the TKD-club. Rita, the quiet girl, played a hobbit bard who has a fancy for climbing trees when he gets scared. Bjørn-Eirik played a diplomatic monk. My wife played someone who doesn't like angry dwarves, and Steven was her partner and ally. I played my dwarven barbarian, and I must say I had a great deal of fun with it. I'm already looking forward to the next time I'll get to play my character again.

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