søndag 11. mars 2007

This Weekends D&D Session

At around 20:00, Friday evening, we met at D.P.'s place. His parents were gone for the weekend, so we could enjoy the recently refurbished livingroom, with black leather coaches, for the whole weekend. After creating our new characters, all of us choosing a class we hadn't played before, we started playing at around 23:00. We created them with the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. I played the gnome rogue Glamridong Askhaug (Ash-hill), who isn't a thief, but suffers from cleptomania, originating from the Dalelands and meeting up with the other guys in a small trading hamlet in the Western Heartlands. Inhabitants and traders alike had been killed recently by stray orcs, and we took it upon us to deal with it. After a day's march, we came to the entrance to the dungeon where the orcs had taken lair under the guidance of a shaman. Goblins and orcs were slaughtered, using my barrel-tactic. We found a barrel in a room, and it was large enough for a human to sit in, so I took it for my own. I drilled an arrow slit in it, and we thus developed our new tactic. I walked up to the door, wearing the solid barrel. Steven's character, by Glamridong dubbed Double-M, opened the door, and there I stood. Our first kill was a dumbfound orc, who walked up to the barrel to see what the heck this barrel it was. When he was close enough, I shot him in the balls through the arrow-slit, and Double-M jumped up from behind the barrel and slid his throat. This tactic worked wonders, but after half a day of careful adventuring, Double-M almost died. With some first-aid (great Heal check) and a full day of caring for him in a goblin sleeping chamber we found, he was back with a vengeance. We had captured a goblin (and crusified him to a door), and after releasing him and tending his wounds, we managed to befriend him (after a few days). It's nice to know how to speak the Goblin tongue. With this new friends directions, we found the shaman's lair, and attacked them. I was wounded so badly that I fell, but Double-M grabbed me and fled. She stopped some fifty feet down the hallways, and carefully put me on the ground, fighting the remaining orcs single-handedly. In the middle of the fight, she found an opening, giving her a chance to stabilize me with a cure minor wounds. She got the final killing blows, and the day was saved. Being a priest, she looted the shaman of his full plate armour, and strapped it on her tender body, making her an impenetrable killing machine. We left the caves with all our loot, killed two orcs on the way back, and then met up in town. We took a trip to the sheriff, a female goblin with a cute face. We needed permission to sell our loot on the market place, and this she gave us. However, my eyes strayed to a beautiful clock standing on her desk. After talking her head full, I got her to come with us to the market, and the clock disappeared inside my puffy shirt. We sold all our loot, and was all smiles after a long, very long, session of roleplaying. The time: 03:30, Sunday morning.

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