torsdag 1. mars 2007

Finally, a Proper Blog

This isn't my first blog, but it's the first one I've taken seriously. I plan to use this to post about my life, for good and for bad, and for inspiration for myself, and possibly some other people too. I haven't decided yet, whether the blog will be in norwegian or english, but it'll probably stay in english due to all the friends I have online.

So, what's happened today? Well, I've been at work at both my jobs. First teaching firstgraders and then at SFO (skolefritidsordning – after-school child care). Today, we decided that I'll give the first- and fourthgraders a one-hour-introduction to taekwon-do tomorrow, so I'm really looking forward to getting back to work.

After work, I had to walk back home. I got some food, and drove to Isfjorden, where we train. It was a fun two-hour session of self defence (ho sin sul) and arranged sparring (sambo -, ibo - and ilbo matsogi). Oh, and I got a knee in the nuts. Ouch! But it was fun.

For you 43t-guys: Today's been alright.

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