fredag 2. mars 2007

What a day!

This has probably been the longest work day I've had in a long time. My day started at about 7:45 when I drove my wife to work in Innfjorden. Then I drove the 25 km to Isfjorden to get the stuff for work today. Then it was back to Åndalsnes to get ready for the wild bunch. I was substituting for the first grade teacher today, and the first two by forty-five minutes was set for gym-class. I taught them and half the fourth grade some taekwon-do, and then went back to school to teach some more.

Next stop for the first-graders was learning about impulse control. They really had a lot to tell, and I have to say that they're charming, if a little bit noisy. We ended the day by learning how to tell what time it is.

Then it was over to SFO. At 2 o'clock we started the SFO-class in TKD, which lasted for one and a half hour. After SFO was through, at 16:30, it was Isfjorden next, for even more taekwon-do. At 18:00 I was done, but it would take another hour of my time before I got home. Now I'm wondering whether I'll go to my last job today or tomorrow. I really want the whole day off tomorrow, but I really want to sit down today.

Oh, and another thing: I don't have mealbreaks, since I have two jobs that overlap each other… I hope the paycheque is large.

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